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Friday, March 25, 2011

M Borders: A dirty word that starts with 'C'

M Borders: A dirty word that starts with 'C': "Know any dirty words that start with the letter C? No? Well let me spell it out to you...CANCER!!! In December of 2008 we found out that our..."

A dirty word that starts with 'C'

Know any dirty words that start with the letter C? No? Well let me spell it out to you...CANCER!!!
In December of 2008 we found out that our daughter Sarah had a mass in her leg...and in 2009 she was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma, its a bone cancer found in kids..it was terrible news to be heard. Nobody wants to hear that their baby has cancer!!! 
We, I say we, because even though she was the one taking treatments it was hard on everybody, our son, our marriage, but we made it through all of that. Sarah got well, and for a whole year it was great! No hospital, no chemo, no low blood counts, so, for a whole year it was wonderful! Everybody was happy and healthy!! For a year when chemo was over and all was well, we still had our routine checkups, first it was every 3 months then the doctors felt safe enough that we could start having test every 4 months.
In March of 2011 on routine checkup, there was something spotted on an xray, more test were then given. So now on 25th of March, 3 days after Sarah's lung surgery, we are back here in the hospital ...waiting for a bone scan and chemo starts in 2weeks!  With Ewings, there's was always a 20% chance it could come back, and it reeks!! My baby was in that 20%! That's why CANCER is a dirty word!! Sarah is a fighter and we will fight it again! God is still in control and his grace and mercy will help us though! Remember us when you pray...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

5hours later...

Its 9 o'clock and I'm thinking..OK...is it time to 'blog' again? then i think OK this is my vent to the world...that's lots and lots of ears..can you imagine?!...well so i was on facebook reading post..and post-ing...when i decided to go back to my 'blog page' just to check to see if anybody wanted to know what i had to say...silly me! i became my own follower..lol!

I just woke up...and decided to blog...

I  had been reading other blogs..is that even what you call it? Reading other blogs? Anyway, my first thought was why should i blog? Really? will anybody want to know what i have to say? Lil'O Me..from Georgia...what could i possibly say that would interest you?
Then i decided to just give it a whirl, besides if nothing else i could just vent! it would be like someone was actually listening besides my friends and family, yes, i could vent to the world!!
Little did i know that i would spend 3hours, yes i said 3hours, creating my page. still i wonder..did i do it right? does it look ok? did i miss something?..after all that i decided it was enough for now...
so now i can start blogging...humm...now what do i do? do they make a book...how to blog for dummies?!...lol
my luck is ...yes they probably do...then i would have to read it and i would fall asleep on the first page...this comes from somebody who loves to read..just nothing good for me...i just read for fun...